Thank You for the Cross
Thank you for the cross, the mighty cross That God himself should die for such as us And everyday we’re changed Into your image more and more Yes, by the cross we’ve truly been transformed
And we’re so amazed and we give you praise That you would save us at such a cost And we’re so amazed and we give you praise For the power of the cross For the power of the cross
主 我感謝祢全能十架
主 我感謝祢全能十架 祢親自為我們捨命十架 在每一天 祢更新我們能夠更像祢 靠主十架 我們生命被改變
何等奇妙恩 我們讚美祢 祢救贖我們不惜代價 何等奇妙恩 我們讚美祢 因為十架的大能 因為十架的大能
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