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我們蒙召為神子民 生活顯露主宏恩
同心合意同被靈感 促進世界真大同
我們見證 我命更新 歸屬恩主再造恩
共同分享和睦相處 歡聚寶座齊俯拜
我們蒙召為神忠僕 工作服侍當代人
肩負使命執行任務 遵行聖言往前行
我們振奮回應召喚 奉獻身心供主用
共勉忠信謙卑互助 迅即應命奔天程
我們蒙召為神先知 傳講真道與福音
信仰堅定正義發揚 消弭罪惡黑暗遁
我們祈求勇氣倍增 目標崇高奉主名
天父宏旨奇妙智慧 唯主是聽福無窮

We Are Called to Be God's People

We are called to be God's people,
Showing by our lives His grace,
One in heart and one in spirit,
Sign of hope for all the race.
Let us show how He has changed us,
And remade us as His own,
Let us share our life together
As we shall around His throne.
We are called to be God's servants,
Working in His world today;
Taking His own task upon us,
All His sacred words obey.
Let us rise, then, to His summons,
Dedicate to Him our all,
That we may be faithful servants,
Quick to answer now His call.
We are called to be God's prophets,
Speaking for the truth and right,
Standing firm for godly justice,
Bringing evil things to light.
Let us seek the courage needed,
Our high calling to fulfill,
That we all may know the blessing
Of the doing of God's will.
century_praise/469-we_are_called_to_be_god_s_people.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/09 19:26 by admin

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