Don’t let my love grow cold I’m calling out, light the fire again Don’t let my vision die I’m calling out, light the fire again You know my heart my deeds I’m calling out, light the fire again I need Your discipline I’m calling out, light the fire again
I am here to buy gold refined in the fire Naked and poor, wretched and blind I come Clothe me in white so I won’t be ashamed Lord light the fire again
保守愛主的心 主我呼求靈火焚燒我 免我異象消失 主我呼求靈火焚燒我 鑒察行為心思 主我呼求靈火焚燒我 懇求管教我心 主我呼求靈火焚燒我
求煉淨我生命 使我得改變 破碎我心 我本一無所有 今得潔淨 使我得稱為義 靈火焚燒我心