====== 成聖須用功夫 ====== 成聖須用工夫 儆醒常禱告 時常與主親近 領受主真道 結交屬神兒女 幫助軟弱人 無論所作何事 莫望求主恩 成聖須用工夫 世界雖忙碌 應當放下世事 單單親近主 時常仰望耶穌 更肖主模樣 親友藉你言行 可見主形像 成聖須用工夫 讓主領你路 不走在主前頭 只隨主腳步 無論快樂煩憂 始終跟隨主 堅信主的話語 常仰望耶穌 成聖須用工夫 內心須寧靜 讓主前來管理 意念和性情 隨從聖靈引領 直到愛之源 你就配在天上 事主到永遠 ====== Take Time to Be Holy ====== Take time to be holy; Speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word. Make friends of God's children; Help those who are week, Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek. Take time to be holy; The world rushes on; Spend much time in secret with Jesus alone. By looking to Jesus, Like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see. Take time to be holy; Let Him be thy guide, And run not before Him whatever betide. In joy or in sorrow, Still follow thy Lord; And, looking to Jesus, Still trust in His Word. Take time to be holy; Be calm in thy soul, Each thought and each motive beneath His control. Thus, led by His Spirit to fountains of love, Thou soon shalt be fitted for service above.