====== 穩固根基 ====== 基督作成穩固根基 主是元首房角石 父神選召看為寶貴 為使眾教會合一 主是錫安永遠幫助 惟基督堪足信賴 到此聖殿向祢呼求 願萬軍之主臨近 救主恩惠慈愛無量 傾聽眾聖民祈求 願祢所賜豐盛祝福 常在聖殿中傾流 求主在此廣施憐憫 應允祢僕人祈求 又求保守所賜恩惠 不致隨流漸失去 至終將來在榮耀中 與祢掌權到永遠 榮耀頌讚全歸聖父 全歸聖子與聖靈 榮耀尊貴頌讚歌聲 歸與三一最高神 滿有大能滿有榮耀 直到永世無窮盡 ====== Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation ====== Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone, Chosen of the Lord, and precious, Binding all the Church in one; Holy Zion's help for ever, And her confidence alone. To this temple, where we call thee, Come, O Lord of Hosts, today; With Thy wonted loving-kindness Hear Thy people as they pray, And Thy fullest benediction Shed within its walls alway. Here vouchsafe to all Thy servants What they ask of Thee to gain; What they gain from Thee forever With the blessed to retain, And hereafter in Thy glory Evermore with Thee to reign. Laud and honour to the Father, Laud and honour to the Son, Laud and honour to the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One, One in might and One in glory, While unending ages run!