====== 在主聖桌前 ====== 在這神聖時候到主桌前 求在祢愛中使我靠近祢 引導我心遠離罪惡私念 得進入祢的愛宴與歡聚 懇求主基督來餵養我靈 每日用釘痕手撫摸引領 使我塵世人生主恩滿溢 直到那日回天家享安息 ====== Here, At Your Table, Lord ====== Here, at Your table, Lord, this sacred hour, O let us feel You near, in loving power; Calling our thoughts away from self and sin, As to Your banquet hall we enter in. Come then, O holy Christ, feed us, we pray; Touch with Your pierced hand each common day, Making this earthly life full of Your grace, Till, in the home of heav'n, we find our place.